Old Growth


Environmental justice and climate change are issues that have become central in many aspects of life today; politics, career paths, youth activism.  An entire generation of young people are keenly more concerned today than ever before. Climate change does not discriminate and will inevitably make all of humanity less fortunate. We all have our roles to play in combating the negative effects of climate change and I believe I can make a difference through my artistic practice.  I create images of the chaotic landscapes within old growth forests to teach about the importance of these ecosystems for biodiversity, their roles as carbon sinks, and to show the devastating effects of forest fires wrought by our changing climate. With the goal of offsetting carbon emissions through reforestation, I sponsor the planting of highly carbon efficient trees through the sale of my work. The cumulative impact of my artistic career will eventually be carbon negative as we grow new forests together. 

Submitted by Mason Pott from Chicago

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